Fascinating Villa of 15th century for sale Цена: 4.500.000,00 €

This villa stands on low-lying hills between Mosciano and Casignano and dominates the Arno valley. Originally built by Arrighi family in 15th century, and later sold to Tommaso of Caciaiolo family; subsequently passed to the Doffi, then to brothers of San Giovanni dei Cavalieri and, in 1637, was turned back to the Arrighi, bought by Simone di Girolamo. In approximately, 1920th the property was purchased by the Malenotti. This fascinating villa is spread over two floor and a basement, and consists of five urban building units of civil habitation, and a part of the basement has rural destination. The last part is connected to the main building through an underground passage and has an annex in front with a spacious garden, which surrounds the buildings. This underground passage is a testimony of the existence of antique underground galleries, which originally connected the complex to the Mosciano Castle, non existing any more in nowadays. This prestigious complex is surrounded by a gigantic wall, on its Florence overlooking side, and has a magnificent garden in the terrace with breathtaking view of the Arno valley. In this garden you can enjoy the main facade of the surmounted by embattled tower villa. The complex is situated in the Scandicci municipality, at the corner of 4, Legnaia and 27, Dell'Arrigo streets, in a panoramic position of 218 m above sea level. The main villa, ... with an internal garden, consists of 5 units, according to cadastral register, all independent units

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Технические детали

  • Регион: Toscana
  • Провинция и муниципалитет: Firenze / Scandicci
  • Зона:
  • Иден. код: V1053
  • Тип: Виллы
  • Внутренняя площадь: 990 MQ
  • Цена: 4.500.000,00 €

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